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Navigating Data Structure Decisions as an Indie Dev

Last week I wrote about the benefits of decision docs for solo / indie devs. This week I wanted to walk through a real example that I encountered recently.

I’ve been roughly describing my unnamed project as a “universal data modeling tool.” You define the data models used in your application and it allows you to export those data models to any format that you may be using (eg. TypeScript, SQL, GraphQL, your ORM, Protobuff, etc). I ran into a tricky decision this week around how I could structure the data models for this tool (very meta… I know).

The Problem

Data models are similar but not identical at different layers of the stack. Here are two examples of how data may be structured that highlight this fact.

1. Different properties

You have a users table in your database (SQL):

    id int PRIMARY KEY,
    username varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    password varchar(30) NOT NULL

You have a user model on your client (TypeScript):

interface users {
    id: number;
    username: string;

We don’t want to expose the password to the client so the password property is present in the database version of the model but absent in the client version.

2. Different models

Instead of storing the password on the user model directly, you could store it in a related model (SQL):

    id int PRIMARY KEY,
    username varchar(25) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE credentials (
    id int PRIMARY KEY,
    type enum("password", "facebook", "api-token") NOT NULL,
    secret varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    user_id int references users(id)

In this case the credentials model should be completely absent from the client (TypeScript):

interface users {
    id: number;
    username: string;

To summarize the problem: I need a way of representing the different version (eg. database and client) of these models and properties such that the common pieces can be shared, but the uncommon pieces can be added / removed in the differing contexts.

I’ve decided to call these different versions “contexts.” What do you think about the choice of name? #twohardthings

Additional Information

Possible Solutions

1. Context inheritance

Contexts can inherit from one another. When a context inherits from another, models from the parent are included in the child.

    "contexts": [
            "descriptor": "client",
            "models": [
                    "descriptor": "user",
                    "properties": ["..."]
            "descriptor": "database",
            "extends": "client",
            "models": [
                    "descriptor": "credentials",
                    "properties": ["..."]



2. Context tags

Each model is tagged with the contexts where it can be accessed.

    "models": [
            "descriptor": "user",
            "properties": [
                    "descriptor": "id",
                    "contexts": ["client", "database"]
            "contexts": ["client", "database"]
            "descriptor": "credentials",
            "properties": ["..."],
            "contexts": ["database"]



3. Denormalized approach

Contexts can inherit from other contexts, but rather than inferring which models are included, models are explicitly copied.

    "contexts": [
            "descriptor": "client",
            "models": [
                    "descriptor": "user",
                    "properties": ["..."]
            "descriptor": "database",
            "extends": "client",
            "models": [
                    "descriptor": "user",
                    "properties": ["..."]
                    "descriptor": "credentials",
                    "properties": ["..."]



Option Matrix

Based on the pros and cons list, here is a high level matrix for each option.

Option Functionality Readability Maintainability
Context inheritance 🟠 🟠 🟠
Context tags 🟢 🟡 🟡
Denormalized approach 🟢 🔴 🔴


At this point I can pick an option, brainstorm more options, or explore deeper. The “Context tags” option seems promising so I will start writing up a more detailed spec for next week which will dive deeper into this option and see if I can make any tweaks to improve the structure further.

One more thing…

Oh hey! I’m also releasing an alpha version of the modeling tool for OS X. This is super early and buggy but I’m trying to release early and often. You can check it out here.